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Hello again! My name is Kristina Zeng and this year will be my final chapter at University High School in Irvine, CA.

When I look back on my high school journey, I think of how much has changed since I walked in as a shy freshman on her first day of high school. For one, I actually moved across the ocean in 2017 from Shanghai, China to here in California. That was a dramatic change in my life, but it has helped me expand my global perspective.


Despite all these changes, one aspect of my life has remained constant: my passion for dance. Dance has formed into a sort of familiarity for me and the rock that keeps me grounded. It can be hard not to get swept up into all the craziness that life is, but if you can find what keeps you YOU, everything will work out! 


                                                                  Lots of love,

                                                                  Kristina ☺︎



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